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Drone Technologies

On this page, we cover the different varieties of drones and the various applications of each type, as well as the technology involved in them.

Drone with Camera

Benefits of Drone Technology

With the drone market expected to grow to 4.8 billion USD by 2024, it is crucial, now more than ever, to invest in this technology. The addition of a UAV at your disposal has the potential to offer you an effective and safe method to maintain crop health. Drones can be equipped with multispectral sensors that accurately monitor plant conditions, telling you what plants need attention. These aerial devices can also act as a crop duster, reducing exposure to noxious chemicals and precisely targeting only the crops that require pesticides. Drones can also track livestock, search for specific items of interest, and a plethora of other duties that you see fit.


While drones may have a limited carrying capacity for fertilizers and pesticides compared to aerial application planes, drones are able to more precisely apply fertilizers and pesticides, and thus need less than planes in the first place. Additionally, drones are capable of being automated and running at night, while planes require human pilots and have limited times of operation.

Major Drone Manufacturers

The following are links to the websites of major drone manufacturers. Click the Read More links to go to the website of each manufacturer. 

Drone Information Breakdown


Multirotor UAV

Shown: DJI Agras

Use multiple propellers to provide thrust. Finer control and precision.


Low to Mid-range price


$2,000- $14,000


Fixed-Wing UAV

Shown: AgEagle Rapid

Fixed-wing, less control but consume less battery.


Medium price







Shown: Quantum Systems Tron

Combines both prominent features of the two prior.


Highest price






  • I.e., DJI Agras series

  • These types of drones rely on multiple propellers to achieve Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) instead of using wings to engage in flight. Their primary strength is its ability to control and maintain its exact position. Multirotor drones can travel in any direction with precise control of its position and trajectory at all times. They are also capable of carrying a hefty payload if necessary. The main drawback of multirotor drones is its speed. Compared to fixed-wing aircraft, they are significantly slower, given that they produce more drag, and they spend most of their lift to maintain their altitude. 


Sensors and Imaging


Standard RGB Cameras

These cameras are primarily used for drone operators to monitor target objects by zooming in manually through the visible light spectrum. The most reliable and efficient cameras use optical zoom to identify objects from long distances while maintaining a precise video feed. 


LiDAR & 3D Mapping

LiDAR works by firing lasers in different directions and calculating the time it takes to return to the sensor to determine distance and map out the surrounding area. More often than not, operators use LiDAR and 3D mapping technology to help automate the drone and avoid obstacles.


NDVI Plant Sensors

The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is most commonly used for assessing the condition of plants. Sensors specifically designed to identify poor plant health use the near-infrared spectrum and NDVI to analyze which plants suffer from negative stressors like pests and droughts. 

Batteries and Battery Life

Ground Control Stations (GCS) and Communication, Command, and Control (C3) Systems


Every drone is controlled by either an operator or some system that provides orders for the UAV. The correct Ground Control Stations with the optimal telemetry necessary to communicate with the drone are crucial for all drone operations. 

  • I.e., Quantum Systems Tron or Trinity series

  • Hybrid UAVs combine the prominent features of both fixed-wing and multirotor drones to create a versatile aircraft. Hybrids are capable of VTOL, can act as a quadcopter to maintain position and control, and can transition into a fixed-wing aircraft to travel large distances quickly. This type of aircraft is not commonly manufactured and struggles to carry large payloads. 

  • I.e. AgEagle Rapid

  • Fixed-wing UAVs are exceptionally effective at maintaining their battery life and traveling quickly. These types of UAVs operate identically to conventional planes. They can travel great distances at high speeds, given their sleek, aerodynamic designs. Additionally, with fixed-wings, these UAVs consume less battery power as the propeller simply pushes the aircraft forward while the wings produce the necessary amount of lift to maintain flight. With that said, fixed-wing aircraft have a difficult time performing tight and accurate maneuvers and usually fail to carry large payloads. They are also incapable of VTOL, which means that for these aircraft to take off, it is necessary to have a runway or slingshot to launch it forward. 

Drone Sensors

Fixed-Wing UAV

Hybrid UAV

Drone Technology

The most common battery used in drones is Lithium Polymer batteries. These batteries usually have a 2-hour battery life at the most, with more experimental batteries able to clock in at 4 hours. However, there are efforts to increase the flight time of drones through alternative fuel sources like Hydrogen. 

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